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Training in karate teaches us not only self-defense but, to respect others as well as ourselves.
We train our body to be strong, and our mind and spirit to be patient, in order to become the best human beings we can be. Karate is a spiritual endeavor, a way to develop a person as an individual. Everything we learn in the dojo, or training hall, should be applied to everyday life. Karate training is not always easy. Often times it can be very difficult and demanding. This is also true of life. If we can overcome obstacles in our training, it enables us to have strong character to do the same in our everyday lives.

The very essence of karate, the main purpose of training - is all about improving ourselves. We must always work hard at this.When we take responsibility to become persons of good character and integrity, we will be doing our part to make the world a better place, which in turn can help to bring peace to the world. This was the legacy of my teacher, Master Gichin Funakoshi. It is also my personal goal, and the goal of the International Shotokan Karate Federation, to teach not only karate techniques, but moreover, to do my best to guide our members in the understanding of what it means to be a true martial artist. A true martial artist constantly strives to be a good human being.

 We have been fortunate to have been taught, guided, and influenced by great JKA Masters. It is their spiritual inspiration that gives me the determination and resolve to pass on to my students what they have passed on to us. Master Nakayama assured Master Funakoshi that he would keep the Dojo Kun and Niju Kun principles front and foremost in our karate training and I in turn will do the same. It is my sincere hope that all of our members do the same and pass on Master Funakoshi’s philosophy for generations to come. As human beings, we are all the same, and have the same vulnerabilities. This is human nature. We can overcome many things if we first understand and accept this about ourselves. If we accept the good and the bad about ourselves, it is much easier to accept these things in others. And to be a true martial artist, we must accept nature and continually work on perfecting our character. This daily process should be as routine as waking up in the morning. Everyone has within them the power to be good human beings and to bring this out in one another. That is the true power of a good martial artist.

                                                           The Mission of Shotokan Karate JKA Academy :


Mission: To preserve and spread traditional Japanese karate through exceptional instruction.

Vision: To promote peace and goodwill through the development of positive character and physical fitness.

Values: Respect and Dignity  Shotokan JKA Academy is an inclusive organization that values diversity, recognizes the human dignity of all individuals, and treats them with fairness and respect at all times. We consider each individual worthy regardless of race, color, gender, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, marital status, disability or age.

Integrity:  We are committed to maintaining the highest ethical standards, honoring our commitments and fostering an environment of mutual respect and trust.  

Innovation: We strive to maintain the foundation of our founding masters while being able to adapt and improve our technical instruction and organization. • Excellence We work continually to attain the highest level of performance for each individual, our dojo, and our organization as a whole. 

Collaboration :  We value working in collaboration with all martial artists and are committed to shared learning


To join us call : 07956 553417


Shotokan Karate JKA , Logo

Shotokan Karate
JKA  Academy


Questions ?


0800 999 1959  OR  07956 553417



Tuesday & Thursday : 5.30 - 8pm

Saturday : 10am -12.30pm

Monday & Wednesday : 5.30 - 8pm

Saturday : 2.45pm - 5.00pm

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