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Joining Agreement & Declaration: - Please read carefully then sign below to accept:

       I Declare that I am in good health and do not have any physical or mental, health issue/s or disability/ies that may affect my Karate class. I understand that I am embarking on an on-going course of Karate Excellence,that will require a regular longer term commitment of at least a few years to master. Currently a minimum of two sessions per week for at least 12 months minimum are required from me as explained to me at the FREE TRIAL class. I  realise that the Shotokan Karate JKA Academy’s hourly PRIVATE One on One tuition fee is £80 per hour.. However a substantial discount has been given to me by joining a regular GROUP CLASS .  I understand that an initial commitment of three months is required as explained to me & only after making the payment I will be an active member of the SKC Academy with full rights.

 I understand that I am bound to give at least 30 days notice should I decide to terminate my membership for whatever reason,after the three months, and that there are no refunds due to me ..I understand that if payments are not made each month for karate tuition each month, I may not be allowed to participate in the Karate class as my karate insurance is directly linked to payments.... I understand that I am required to practice/recap training at home on days that I,m not in class,for a minimum of 30 minutes to keep in check with my syllabus & testing requirements.. I also understand that without having a current valid JKAWF karate license as explained, I will not be allowed to train due to a possible injury or mishap in the class during training. I am aware that any testing & promotion events such as: stripe tape testing/ grading/ & belt fees/and courses etc.. which are all part of the Karate progression & regular testing requirements at the academy,which I may be required to attend are not included in this membership tuition price and are separate items which I will have to pay for as and when required to do so if I wish to be tested for promotion of grades through the belts towards Black Belt .

( Note: Tape testing registration fee is end of every month, Grading exam fee is at the end of every 4 months . These can be paid into our SKC Account below each time. For more information about these see your club instructor)

 I understand that on joining the SKC Academy, I will receive a Welcome Study Pack,via email which I will be required to study (and/or as a parent/guardian will  read it to my child/ren at home if they are too young to read it).  I understand that Karate training is about self-discipline,which means I will always abide by SKC’s  Student Creed, Dojo Code & rules and requirements at all times. I understand that, Parents/Guardians are allowed to watch upto 3 initial sessions only, after which they should drop & pick up their child/ren only, due to our limited space & training area. Parents are not allowed to instruct or coach, either verbally or physically whilst the class is in progress, nor interfere with the teaching aspect of Karate at the SKC Academy,unless asked to do so by its instructor/s. If they have any concerns they must address them to us in confidence. I understand that any other Children or Siblings in my family who are not members or students of SKC Academy are NOT allowed in the training hall, due to possible distractions &  Health/ Safety risks (unless it’s a Buddy training day). I understand that if I am a parent, I will be dropping & picking up my children on time to the Karate class and will not be too late in doing that & will not hold SKC liable for any mishaps to them whilst they are waiting to be picked up.. I understand that the nature of Karate  is such that it may involve some amount of skin contact in training with a partner & therefore I will not hold the SKC Academy or its instructors/ coaches/assistants personally liable for any injuries & incidents that may incur in training, nor for any loss of personal possessions that I/my child may experience. I understand that from time to time photographs,videos,reviews, & feedback may be required from me and/ or my child/ren and these may be used by the SKC Academy for their promotion, publicity etc, and I hereby consent to this.  I understand that my membership and participation in Karate is solely at the discretion & courtesy of the SKC Academy,who reserve the right to cancel it at any time without giving me a reason,especially if its rules are violated . I have fully understood this commitment agreement and accept all the above terms & conditions of joining.

Bank  Details: Name : SKC ACADEMY : Barclays Bank UK Plc   Sort Code: 20-05-73 Account Number: 93550443     

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